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Reptile Systems Gold Infrared Lamp Replacement Bulb

  • Provides high levels of heat
  • Rich in Infrared A and Infrared B.
  • Emmits low levels of red visible light
  • High energy efficiency compared to basking spots.
  • Should be used with a dimming thermostat.
  • Suitable main heat source for your terrarium.

This Reptile Systems Gold Infrared Lamp Replacement Bulb provides an efficient and effective source of heat for reptile terrariums. With high levels of heat in both Infrared A and Infrared B and low levels of red visible light, it is an ideal main heat source for reptiles. Its energy efficiency is greater than that of traditional basking spots. For best use, it should be paired with a dimming thermostat.

This bulb is designed for the Reptile Systems Gold Infrared Lamp.