The Basic Chameleon Kit by Neptune the Chameleon has everything you need for a veiled, panther, or Jackson’s chameleon ages 3 months and older. This kit comes with a 24"x24"x48” enclosure along with the correct lighting including heat and UVB bulbs and fixtures, supplements, and more!
You can find Neptune at @neptunethechameleon on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Facebook.
Find out more about this kit, how to set it up, and care for your chameleon with our blog article Chameleon Kits by Neptune the Chameleon
Q: How do I attach plants and branches in the enclosure?
A: Fine wire or fishing line can be used to anchor the bigger branches to the corners of the enclosure and then you can use those anchors to attach the rest of the branches. Please watch the tutorial video for more info.
Q: How do I deal with all the extra water from misting?
A: Providing lots of potted live plants in the enclosure and at the bottom can help catch any excess water. In addition, you could create a drainage system by drilling small holes in the center of the bottom of the enclosure for the water to run down and provide a bucket underneath to catch the excess water.
Q: Do I need a dripper or fogger as well?
A: Drippers can be used to provide additional hydration for a chameleon but are not required. Foggers are used at night time to help increase the overall humidity levels for a chameleon. Whether or not you need one will depend on your species' needs and the environment that you live in. If you live somewhere humid and have a chameleon that has lower humidity requirements, you may not need a fogger. But if you live somewhere dry and have a species with higher humidity requirements, then you may need to use one.
Q: How often do I keep my lights on?
A: The current recommendation is to have your lights on for 12 hours and off for 12 hours. Something like 8 am-8 pm would be a great light cycle. All lights should be off at night.
Q: How often do I use each supplement?
A: How often you use each supplement will depend on your species. Veiled and Panther chameleons get the calcium without Vitamin D3 with every feeding and the multivitamin two times a month. Jackson’s chameleons need calcium without D3 every feeding and the multivitamin once a month.
Q: What is not included in the kit that I should get separately?
A: You may want to get additional plants and branches to help fill in any empty spaces. The Neptune the Chameleon YouTube channel has lots of videos on plant recommendations. Be sure to also have some materials to attach the plants and branches such as floral wire, zip ties, etc. Try to avoid using things like hot glue. You may also want to get a table to raise up the enclosure to help your chameleon feel safe. You’ll also want to make sure you have some gut load for your chameleon’s bugs. Fresh fruits and veggies are typically recommended for a gut load. There are some other dry gut loads you can use but avoid using any sort of gels or hydration cubes. Bugs are not included in this kit. A feeding cup would be recommended as the safest way to feed your chameleon and keep track of how much they are eating. Plants and branches will also need to be provided for your chameleon, luckily we have a blog for this kit and a video so you can learn exactly what and how you should implement branches and plants into your enclosure.
Q: Can I customize my kit?
A: This kit is designed as a complete kit with specific items chosen for this species. So we are unable to make substitutions for other items.
Q: Does this kit come with branches or plants?
A: We want you to be able to design the inside of the cage as you like so you can choose the branches and plants for your chameleon enclosure that best suits the aesthetic you like.
Q: Is this kit available internationally?
A: Unfortunately, this set of products is not available for international orders.
Pangea Reptile LLC
Mar 12, 2025That's great to hear Ray, thank you for your order and the 5 star feedback!